The Brownlees
Three Slaveholders
This was an interesting research into this side of my mother's family. It appeared That my great grandmother was listed as Lena on early censuses, but later went by Rhoda. Since she was listed with her big brother, Martin, I followed his paper trail.
So far, the 1920 Census has been one of the most telling about two families and two slaveholders.
Martin Brownlee is listed with his second wife Minnie, but his birth year is off. He is living doors away from his sister's mother-in-law Charlotte Jamieson who is living alongside the Caradines, one of the largest slaveholders in Clay County, Mississippi.

Abbotts beat 3, Clay County MST624 roll: 736 page 92A
Household #73 Wilkerson, William age 44
Rhoda age 38 with daughter, and grandchildren in house
On page 92B/next door
Household # 83
Brownlee Martin head
1900 Caradine pct; beat 4, Clay county MS
Household #181
Brownlee, Martin age 34 b Mar 1866 md 16 years b MS
Liza, wife b Jul 1861 age 38 md 16 years; b MS
Household # 182
Wilkesson, William age 36, b Oct 1864; md 15 years; b MS; indexed as Wilkeson
Rhoda, wife b Aug 1869 age 30; md 15 years; b MS
Rosa L, dau b Aug 1886 b MS
Bullie, son b Sep 1891 age 8 b MS
Martin could be her brother. If so, this could be her uncle and grandparents listed in 1880. Lena is the right age to be Rhoda! There is a younger Ned Brownlee (probably son of older Ned), who I thought might be the father of Martin; and maybe Rhoda. But can't find Martin nor Rhoda anywhere in the 1870.
****Same Martin Brownlee on 1900 census in Pulaski, Arkansas
1880 Census
Beat 4 Clay MS
Winfield BROWNLEE Self M Male B 30 MS Laborer On Farm VA SC
Julia BROWNLEE Wife M Female B 35 MS Keeps House VA VA
Fannie BROWNLEE Dau S Female B 12 MS Keeps House MS MS
William BROWNLEE Son S Male B 9 MS Keeps House MS MS
Alfred BROWNLEE Son S Male B 7 MS MS MS
Alexander BROWNLEE Son S Male B 5 MS MS MS
Henry BROWNLEE Son S Male B 3 MS MS MS
Pallie BROWNLEE Dau S Female B 6M MS MS MS
**Priscilla BROWNLEE Mother M Female B 80 SC SC SC
** Ned BROWNLEE Father M Male B 81 SC SC SC
Martin BROWNLEE Nephew S Male B 16 MS Laborer On Farm MS MS
**Possibly Rhonda**Lena BROWNLEE Niece S Female B 9 MS MS MS
Martin and Rhonda Brownlees are officially listed as orphan
This is the 1860 Slave Schedule: Slaveholder is James Brownlee